Congratulations to Mrs. Demond's class they won the class competition for the Mother's Day Hanging Basket Fundraiser!
we sold 193 BASKET! WOW!!!
Hanging Basket Delivery - Tuesday, May 4th outside Sawtooth. From 2:30 - 4:00 PM
Staff Appreciation Week - May 3-7
The PTO has a fun week planned for the staff and students. Notes will be going home today with all the details!
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt Pre-Sale - May 6-11 Delivery - May 14 end of the school day
PTO FUN DAY - (if weather permits) The PTO has a couple of fun things planned for our Sawtooth students!
May 20th NO SCHOOL for KINDERGARTEN - LAST DAY of school for 1st-5th - EARLY DISMISSAL at 12:45 pm
Thanks in advance for your feedback! If you have a question about an upcoming PTO meeting or event, a comment about an event that has already happened or if you wish to volunteer your time and/or funds to the Sawtooth PTO, simply fill in the form below. A volunteer from the PTO will be in touch with you soon!